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IASWECE is an organ of the cultural impulse of Rudolf Steiner and the worldwide Steiner/Waldorf movement.

This association is active throughout the world in support of training and quality in Waldorf education for the little child, so that children throughout the world can find child care centers, kindergartens, and early childhood programs offering optimal conditions for development. 

Friends of Waldorf Eduction

Friends of Waldorf Education (Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V.) support initiatives for a free education world-wide. They have actively promoted Waldorf education and freedom within the education system since 1971. They provide international voluntary services for people from outside Germany in germany and for german volunteers all around the world. They support Waldorf kindergartens, Waldorf schools, other educational initiatives, curative education and social therapeutic institutions as well social work projects.

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